An articulated dump truck equipped with Bridgestone off-the-road tyres working in a large quarry

Povećajte učinkovitost, smanjite broj i trajanje zastojā i povećajte povrat ulaganja.

Our wide range of tyres with a variety of treads and sizes accommodates all types of work sites

Engineered with low vibration levels, high stability and good traction for all types of working conditions

Our self-cleaning treads excel on muddy surfaces, while our closed, compact treads tackle rocky conditions

Good traction, flotation and lateral stability makes Bridgestone's scraper tyres ideal for soft and muddy surfaces.

Durable tyres with traction, stability and comfort support you in tackling all types of working conditions

Resist cutting and overheating with our specially compounded rubber, wide lugs and tread patterns

Our range of asphalt roller tyres are engineered to distribute pressure evenly and made with a unique rubber compound that resists heat

Designed to improve stability and safety under heavy loads and on uneven terrain